Fitness Gift Ideas For Those on a Budget

There’s a saying in the health and wellness industry that goes something like, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But what if the fitness gift you’re giving is more than just about getting in shape? If your fitness goal is losing weight or building muscle mass, then there’s no better gift to give someone who’s committed to fitness than a massage roller. Massage rollers offer a wide array of features to fit just about any lifestyle and fitness need. From, the lightest, most portable (and highly adjustable), to the most powerful, most customizable leggings (from sexy to downright seductive), there are several fitness gifts for any type of busy, active individual (even a WH! ).
Fitness Gift Bags – This might actually be a category all its own. These high tech gizmos are the newest addition to the list of fitness gifts. They come in all shapes and sizes, and offer everything from basic support that makes working out easy, to a variety of features that help keep track of everything from heart rate, calories, miles, time, etc. They’re a great way to not only access all of your workout gear, but to have it easily on hand. Like other types of workout gear, fitness gifts bags can be found almost anywhere, from online sports stores to chain retailers. It is recommended that you check online and read some online reviews before making a purchase.
Yoga Accessories – While there is nothing technically “yoga” related in the name, yoga has become a popular exercise and fitness program for people of all ages. And while the word “yoga” is often associated with a particular school of thought, there are many different schools of yoga and many different classes. There are a number of ways that yoga can help everyone, including improving posture and balance and assisting in the reduction of stress and tension. A great fitness gift ideas bag would include a couple of different yoga DVDs. You could also include several workout clothes and sweatshirts, as well as a nice yoga duffel bag.
Fitness Workout Gifts – For those looking to add some resistance to their current fitness routine, there is probably no better fitness gift idea than some dumbbells. Dumbbells allow you to perform the wide variety of exercises commonly performed in gym workouts such as bicep curls, triceps kick backs, and more. In fact, dumbbells are so versatile that they can even be used in the home. For instance, you can use a pair for light weight back exercises or an entire set for intensive core work. As fitness experts always remind us, the key to building muscle is providing enough resistance.
Water Bottles – It might be difficult to envision any fitness product as a gift, but water bottles are a very special gift idea. Not only do these come in a huge variety of styles, but they also are functional. If you are looking for the perfect fitness product for someone who lives alone, then a water bottle filled with their favorite beverage could be the perfect gift. Or you can purchase one with a built-in water filter so the recipient doesn’t have to waste money purchasing bottled water all the time. Water bottles can be purchased in a variety of sizes and colors, and most brands come with different built-in filtering systems. Of course, not all water bottles are built to filter out toxins, so make sure you read the label to make sure you purchase a brand that does.
Yoga Apparel & Accessories – Whether you are looking for yoga pants, shorts, or leggings to accompany your new workout, you will find options to please any recipient. From specially designed yoga socks to therapeutic yoga wear, you will be able to find everything you need to get started. If you are looking to impress your yoga buddies, you can show them that you are a true yogi by purchasing some leggings or a pair of sexy high heels. You can also find stylish yoga apparel for women and men, as well as accessories that help them during their workout routine. TheraGun offers many popular items such as wristbands, yoga mats, cushion covers, yoga blankets, and head covers to name a few. Their wide selection of items will ensure that you will find the perfect gift to impress your friends and loved ones.
Apple Watch – Did you know that there is an entire line of fitness products that are available for your beloved Apple Watch? You can choose from treadmills, elliptical trainers, and cross trainers. There are also several different types of fitness workouts incorporated into the watch’s software. If you are into yoga, then you will love their customized yoga mat. If you want to work on your flexibility, then they have created a special cross trainer to help you stretch those muscles. You can also have fun with their sports player workouts that feature dashing athletes like NBA players Chris Paul, Lebron James, and Kevin Garnett.
TheraGun clothing and workout gear is a perfect gift for those who are into working out or tai chi. If you do not like working out in general, but need a nice place to do it when you want to, than you need to look great in your workouts. By wearing leggings made by TheraGun, you will not only look great, but feel great as well. The leggings that are designed by TheraGun are also very comfortable to wear.